Vehicles will be allowed beginning Friday to travel on BU 59 beneath the A&NR railroad bridge that is still under construction.
Two lanes will be open Friday for inbound and outbound traffic as work continues to replace the bridge and rehabilitate the roadway. The vertical clearance is 17 feet. As permanent beams are hung and the bridge completed, the clearance is expected to increase slightly.
Motorists should be alert to the detour, watch for detour signs as lanes of travel will be marked with signage and orange barrels and cones.
“There will still be a lot of work going on in and near this project,” said Rhonda Oaks, public information officer with the Lufkin District. “Motorists who have been detouring around North Timberland Drive will welcome the two-lane limited traffic pattern again, but we are urging drivers to be cautious and reduce their speed as we continue to work toward completion.”
Austin Bridge and Road Services, contractors for the $11.3 million Lufkin construction project, is replacing the railroad bridge that spans BU 59 near SL 287 and reconstructing BU 59 beneath. The project is expected to be completed late this year, weather permitting.
Motorists can expect nearby traffic signals to continue in a red flashing mode, signaling a four-way stop until the project nears completion. The posted speed limit is 45 miles per hour, but motorists could see advisory speed messages urging lower speed limits until work is completed. Remember, traffic fines double when workers are present.
For more information, contact or (936) 633-4395.