
Your Freshwater Fishing Report


The weather has finally evened out, and it is the perfect time to head to the lake and take a trip to that favorite fishing hole. Texas Wildlife and Parks posted the updated freshwater fishing report here.

As the weekend approaches and we plan our trip out on the lake, keep in mind these safe boating tips:

  • Always wear a life jacket.
  • Avoid alcohol.
    • The probability of being killed in a boating accident doubles when alcohol is involved.
    • Operating a boat under the influence is just as dangerous as driving a car after you’ve been drinking.
    • Boating while intoxicated (BWI) is strictly enforced and carries penalties similar to driving while intoxicated penalties, including possible Driver’s License suspension.
  • Be especially careful on personal watercrafts.
  • Children younger than age 13 must wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved PFD while underway.
  • Enroll in a boater education class.
  • Don’t overload your boat.
  • Operate at a safe speed.
  • Always have a passenger serve as a lookout in addition to the operator.
  • Watch out for low water areas or submerged objects.

And, finally, a friendly reminder about the not-so-friendly Zebra Mussels:

Hello Zebra Mussels, Goodbye Texas Lakes

Keep safe, and happy fishing!

Grace Baldwin
(Bethany) Grace Baldwin has an Associate Degree in Journalism from Angelina College and is working on a double major of English and Journalism at Stephen F. Austin State University. She thoroughly enjoys reading, writing, and has an indelible passion for words.

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