
Judy B. McDonald Public Library Kicks Off Summer Reading Programs


NACOGDOCHES – Readers of any age will explore all things heroic this summer as Judy B. McDonald Public Library presents “Every Hero Has a Story” during their summer library program. Activities are planned throughout the summer and will include children’s programs like a magic show and a puppet show, as well as many Makerspace projects for tweens and teens, programs for adults and celebrations of local heroes. The community is invited to the Summer Kick-Off on Saturday, June 6th from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. There will be games, photo ops, and the chance to sign up for programs.

“We’re eagerly anticipating the beginning of summer,” says Crystal Hicks, assistant library director. “When others are on vacation, that’s our busiest time, but it’s also the most fun. We have a very ambitious slate of activities this year, with something for just about every age and interest group.”

The first children’s event will be Superhero Rides, a touch-a-truck event where children can interact with local heroes and the big rigs they drive, on Tuesday, June 9th at 10:00 a.m. There is also a family film on June 12th at 6:30 p.m. for the first installment of the “Every Hero Has a Story” Movie Series, which will continue with films on the second Friday of each month in the summer.

The 2015 Summer Reading Program is open to young people, preschool through adult, with programs, prize drawings, story times, a reading club, and more. Registration for “Every Hero Has a Story” begins at the Kick-Off on June 6th. For more information, call the library at 936-559-2970 or visit our website, www.ci.nacogdoches.tx.us/library. You may also follow us on Facebook or on Twitter at friendsofnacpl. All programs are free of charge.

Misty Boggs
Misty Boggs is the Creative Director at MSGPR. As a resident of Angelina County, she enjoys getting to spend time with her family at their tree farm or exploring new art forms at home. She earned her bachelor's degree in Public Relations with a minor in Creative Writing at Stephen F. Austin State University in 2020 and received her MBA in Marketing from Lamar University in 2024.

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