LUFKIN, TEXAS – The Texas Forestry Association will host a tour to highlight the selection of Richard and Pat Saunders’ 716 acre tree farm as the 2015 Texas Outstanding Tree Farm of the Year, on Saturday, April 25, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The Saunders manage the tree farm, located near Frankston, Texas, for timber income, wildlife habitat and hunting, recreation, and as a legacy for their children. The tour will include a history of this generational tree farm, owned by the Saunders family since 1870, as well as information regarding invasive species, the future of a thinning operation, chestnuts and wildlife food plots, and the effectiveness of prescribed burns. There will also be a guest speaker.
The event is free and lunch will be provided. To reserve your spot by April17, please call 1-866-TXTREES, 936-632-8733 or email tfa@texasforestry.org. with your name, mailing address and the number attending.