
Words with Hannah: A Nontraditional Thanksgiving


I have a large family, there are 31 of us in total and getting us all together is a task in itself. But we can count on most of us getting together for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

[pullquote]”We’re all loud and crazy and when you put us under one roof together, it’s chaos. But it’s the best chaos.”[/pullquote]

For as long as I can remember, my family has had non-traditional Thanksgivings. We all travel from wherever we are to my grandparent’s house the Sunday before Thanksgiving to celebrate. There’s no turkey, no dressing, and no casseroles; although, most of the time there is pecan pie. My grandmother cooks pots of seafood gumbo and we fill an entire table with deserts. We sit wherever we can find a place and no one stops at just one bowl of gumbo.

A photo of us all together.

It’s been our tradition, and it’s one of my favorites. Our family has a lot of fun when they’re together. We’re all loud and crazy and when you put us under one roof together, it’s chaos. But it’s the best chaos.

After we all eat several bowls of gumbo and sampled all the deserts, we immediately start Christmas festivities. My youngest cousin and I make pieces of paper with everyone’s names on them and we separate them into two piles: adults and kids. Although none of us are really kids anymore.

Everyone draws a name and whomever you draw, that’s who you’re buying a Christmas present for that year. Our list seems to grow every year as cousins get married and start having children. After we all get our names, we pull out granny’s Christmas tree and start decorating. It’s like the official kick-off to the Christmas season, even though Thanksgiving hasn’t officially passed.

Last year was our first year to not have our non-traditional/traditional Thanksgiving at my grandparent’s. Instead, my grandparents have passed the tradition on to my aunt and uncle.

[pullquote]”However you celebrate, make sure your day is filled with a lot of laughter, yummy food, and that you are surrounded by people that you love.”[/pullquote]

We don’t decorate for Christmas, but that’s the only thing that’s changed. We still make delicious food and enjoy getting to spend together since it’s a rare occasion for some of us. There’s not a single thing I would change about our Thanksgiving, it’s one of my favorite family gatherings.

No two families celebrate the same or share the same traditions, but that’s what makes them great. Most families probably don’t stray far from the customary turkey dinner.

However you celebrate, make sure your day is filled with a lot of laughter, yummy food, and that you are surrounded by people that you love. One thing I can always be sure of is how thankful I am for my family.

Hannah Walker
Hannah Walker is a lifestyle writer at Texas Forest Country Living. Originally from Groves, Hannah majors in Fashion Merchandising at Stephen F. Austin State University. She dreams of opening her own boutique one day, but before she does that she wants to work in a corporate office of a fashion company or department store and get experience in big business so that she can take those experiences and knowledge and incorporate it into her small business. Besides taking on the fashion world, Hannah loves to travel and spend time with her friends and family.

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