$21,000 Given in Scholarships by CHI St. Luke’s Health-Memorial Volunteer Auxiliary


LUFKIN, TEXAS … Twenty-one scholarships were presented at the CHI St. Luke’s Health-Memorial Volunteer Auxiliary’s annual Daisy Wadsworth Memorial Scholarship Awards Dinner on Wednesday, July 18. The $1,000 scholarships are provided through the Volunteer Auxiliary’s popcorn sales and tips from the hospital’s valet parkers. This is the largest group of recipients since the scholarship program’s inception in 1986.

The scholarship program is named for Daisy Wadsworth, a longtime volunteer who served as the Auxiliary’s president nine times and who had a passion for those who wanted to work in the medical field. For that reason, all scholarship recipients must pursue a degree in the medical field in order to qualify.

Pictured from left to right, seated: Carissa Poe, Skyelar Warden, Lyndsey Griffith, Ashanti Handy, Katelyn Frankens, Mariel Garza, and Danielle Gumapac. Standing: Gloria Gregory, Volunteer past-President; Debbie Perkins, Selection Committee Chairperson; Tristan Simms, Brianna Johnson, Sarah Phillips, Whitney Flournoy, Josef Harris, Stephanie McClain, Christopher Schmidt, Cody Eastepp, Danielle Maiquez, Linda Ramirez, and Jean Mizell, Volunteer Auxiliary President.

Ezra McMullen
Ezra McMullin is a content and social media producer at MSGPR and attends Angelina College. He unwinds after a long day by playing XBox, telling himself he'll just play one more level before bed.

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