
Rep. Trent Ashby

Trent Ashby is honored to be representing District 57 in the Texas House of Representatives. House District 57 includes Angelina, Houston, Leon, Madison, San Augustine and Trinity Counties. He can be reached at (512) 463-0508, (936)634-2762, or by email at

Exclusive articles:

Capitol Update: Texas Budget Highlights, Property Tax Relief, and Community Outreach

On January 25th, 1839, the Republic of Texas adopted the iconic flag we know and cherish today. A simple but bold design that features...

Ashby Files HB 2000 in Memory of Audrii Cunningham

AUSTIN – State Representative Trent Ashby (R – Lufkin) today filed House Bill 2000 in memory of Audrii Cunningham.  “Today, I have filed HB 2000,...

Highlights from the 89th Texas Legislature

With the start of the 89th Legislative Session, State Representatives and Senators convened in Austin on Tuesday, January 14, to take the constitutional oath...

Texas Legislative Updates: Judiciary, Civil Jurisprudence, and Insurance Reforms

With the holidays officially behind us, I'd like to wish you all a Happy New Year! As we turn the page on one year...

Reflecting on the Spirit of Christmas and Updates on Key Legislative Initiatives

As we approach the joyous occasion of Christmas, we’re immersed in the fanfare and pageantry that often surrounds the yuletide season. While, in many...


District Begins Treating Roads Ahead of Freezing Weather

LUFKIN – Crews are scheduled to begin Monday, Feb. 17, to pre-treat major roadways...

Options for Raised Bed Gardens

The recent, heavy rainfall has brought about a number...

The Sweet Sound of Home Canning Returns

In recent years, the satisfying pop of canning jar...

Minor Sting Operation

With funding from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT),...