


LUFKIN – Work on SL 287 in Angelina County is progressing this week as permanent striping is placed for permanent lane configuration.

Construction crews are defining the westbound and eastbound lanes of SL 287 near Moffett and work continues on the U-turn bridges at the US 59 overpass. Grading of ditches through the construction area will continue. Concrete island work near BU 59 and Spence Street continues that will allow for an eastbound turn-around. Work is on schedule for the project to complete by mid-March.

The BU 59 closure at the A&NR Railroad Bridge will continue as contractors begin to dismantle the old railroad bridge. Temporary tracks have been set for railroad operation. Construction crews are paving the southbound main lanes and the roadway is scheduled to open to limited traffic by March 1.

Other construction and maintenance work planned for the coming week includes:


US 59/FM 2021: Signs, mailboxes, pavement markings and permanent crash cushions are being set.

FM 706: Contractors continue to safety treat fixed objects from SH 103 West to US 69 North, with work moving this week toward US 69 with work on headwalls and box extensions on culverts scheduled. Motorists could experience lane closures.


US 59/SL 224: Crews are placing storm sewer along US 59 in advance of widening at Spradley Street. Hot mix is being placed near the intersection and utility crews continue to relocate. Motorists could experience lane closures.

SL 224: Contractors are working on guard rail and culverts at various locations from SH 7 East to US 259.

FM 1878: Work continues to excavate the roadway from North Street to Clark Boulevard. A part of the subgrade and pavement have been constructed and once completed, contractors will cement treat the western portion of the roadway in order to complete the remaining pavement structure.


US 190: Construction crews are scheduled to begin construction that will add passing lanes.

FM 1988: Contractors will continue to work to set columns and abutments for the bridge replacement at Long King Creek. Bridge replacements will also continue on Hubert Cemetery Road at Dickens Branch, on Kelly Road at Menard Creek and on Soda Loop  East at Bluff Creek.


SH 21: Construction crews will continue to work on two projects from FM 1280 in Austonio to SH 7 near Crockett that will extend drainage structures in preparation for reconstructing and widening the pavement. Motorists could experience intermittent lane closures. Driveway work will continue and embankment will also be hauled through the work area.

SH 7: Contractors are working to add a passing lane west of Kennard as work continues on the subgrade. Intermittent lane closures are expected.

SH 7 East: Maintenance crews will be repairing road base.

SH 19 South: Base work and roadway repair.

SH 21 East: Mill and inlay work is scheduled from Loop 304 to FM 1733.

FM 2967: Maintenance crews will be repairing road base.


US 59: Maintenance crews will work in various locations to repair and replace delineators and mailboxes.

SH 150: Workers will clean, straighten and replace delineators and mailboxes.

FM 980: Maintenance crews will work to repair pavement edges.


US 287: Contractors will begin removing driveways, sidewalks and curb/gutter on the east side of the roadway in Groveton. Work to remove abandoned underground petroleum tanks is also scheduled.

SH 19: Maintenance crews will be rehabilitating ditches.

FM 3453: Crews will work to level shoulders and rehabilitate ditches.


US 96: Contractors will begin safety treating fixed objects.

US 96: Approach work for the bridge has begun at Ayish Bayou. Drill shafts are being constructed and substructure is being completed.

FM 705: Crews will continue to safety treat fixed objects from SH 147 to the end of the pavement.

Various locations: Construction crews will work to construct ADA compliant ramps at various locations within the City of San Augustine.


US 84: The newly constructed eastbound bridge has been opened and the existing bridge is closed as demolition on railing has begun with bridge demolition scheduled to begin late in the week.

FM 139: Crews will safety treat cross drainage structures and guardrails.

CR 4323: Contractors have completed constructing the Flat Fork Creek Relief 1 and Relief 2 bridge decks. Work will continue to construct abutments and approaches for bridges and also bent caps for the Mill Creek Bridge on CR 1006.


US 96: Maintenance work will continue north of Pineland as crews work to repair and level the roadway.

SH 87: Maintenance crews will work to repair and level the roadway near Six Mile community.

For more information, contact Rhonda.Oaks@txdot.gov or (936) 633-4395.


Misty Boggs
Misty Boggs is the Creative Director at MSGPR. As a resident of Angelina County, she enjoys getting to spend time with her family at their tree farm or exploring new art forms at home. She earned her bachelor's degree in Public Relations with a minor in Creative Writing at Stephen F. Austin State University in 2020 and received her MBA in Marketing from Lamar University in 2024.

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