
Cedar Fever Season in Texas

Cedar fever season is upon us once again, complete with runny noses, itchy eyes and general misery. But what exactly is cedar fever, and...

Gardeners Have Great Opportunity, and a Few Challenges, with Cole Crops

Those who had planted a fall garden are heavy into reaping its rewards. Planted earlier this fall, all kinds of ‘Cole’ crops are vigorously...

Lady Beetles Beginning to Overwinter Inside

I saw one earlier this week. Then a few more as of this writing. The Asian lady beetles are making their annual move into...

Time to Cut Back

As winter approaches, the days get shorter.  As the days get shorter, we are cut back on the number of daylight hours we have...

Pumpkins – the decoration that remains a vegetable and doesn’t have to be a methane contributor

There has been a recent wave of news articles complaining that pumpkins will cause methane in the landfill. The claim is that all the...

