

How Seasonal Weather Affects Your Energy Bill—and How to Prepare

If you live in Texas, you know that the weather here doesn’t just influence what you wear—it has a huge impact on your energy...

5 Signs It’s Time to Switch Your Electricity Provider

If you live in Texas, you know that in the deregulated ERCOT market, you have the power to choose your electricity provider. That’s good...

How to Choose the Right Electricity Provider for Your Home

Choosing an electricity provider in Texas’s deregulated ERCOT market is an important decision that can impact your budget, comfort, and peace of mind. With...

Why Your Business Needs an Energy Audit Now

As a business owner, every dollar counts. When it comes to managing expenses, energy costs often represent a significant portion of your budget—but they’re...

Top 10 Energy Myths Debunked

In a world filled with energy-saving tips and tricks, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. Misconceptions about energy consumption can lead...

