Good morning! Today I’d love to show you how my daughter and I made these super simple and fun DIY Snow Globes. This a perfect snow day (or dreaming of a snow day) craft.
You’ll need a few supplies to get started:
Spray paint
Wide rim mason jars
White glitter
Hot glue gun
First, we spray painted the rim of our mason jar a fun color. Let dry. Then we put a dab of hot glue right in the middle of our lid. We placed our figurine on it and pressed down until the glue dries. On a side note, the two figurines came from my Grandmother. She had a huge Christmas village that she put on display each Christmas. I inherited a few of the figurines. I love to get them out this time of year, but I’m afraid that my kiddos will drop and break them. That’s were these snow globes come it. It offers a little more protection for them. Plus, my kiddos still get to play with their Great Grandmother’s figurines. That’s a win win in my book!
I over estimated the amount of glitter I would need. A little bit of glitter goes a very long way. Pour about 1/4 jar of glitter into the mason jar.
Screw your lid with figurine attached on, and then flip the jar over. All done!
We made the little boy snow globe for my youngest son, but he didn’t want to be in the picture. ha! Thankfully his sister didn’t mind too much!