Angelina Arts Alliance is excited to announce actor, educator and visual artist with a big vision— Kevin Reese, is coming to Lufkin. Kevin makes his living inspiring and bringing communities together with mobiles. With his Project “Mobilizing our Community” Kevin will spend a five-day artist residency in Lufkin, working with over 200 participants to create a large scale mobile sculpture consisting of 15 separate permanent pieces of art for public display—one for each of the Arts Alliance’s 15 years. These 15 mobiles will then be installed at schools, hospitals, local businesses, and every building that supported the project throughout the community. The purpose of “Mobilizing our Community” is to bring people together, from all walks of our society, with different ethnic, educational, and professional backgrounds to work together in a collaborative effort, and to be enriched by the experience. “Mobilizing our Community” is sponsored by The Ernest L. Kurth, Jr. Charitable Foundation.
Volunteers are needed November 9-12, for a 1.5 hour work session to be held in the Angelina College Cafeteria in the
AC Student Center. Besides a morning session at 9 am and afternoon session at 12:30 pm, additional sessions can be scheduled to meet your needs. Tracy Pinkerton, Arts Alliance Executive Director explained “This is a great team building exercise for a group or organization. There is no cost to participate and all supplies will be provided, all we ask is for an hour and a half of your time.” During the process students, community leaders, and business representatives measure, cut, sand, paint and assemble the mobile, gaining skills of design, balance and team work. Individuals interact with each other on a new level—and it’s magical. Everyone who participates in “Mobilizing our Community” experiences elements of art, math, physics, and lots of teamwork. And, it gives each participant a chance to be involved in something that is lasting and inspiring – to create something that will bring beauty to our city for generations to come.
To help Mobilize Lufkin call 936-633-5454 or e-mail to reserve your spot in the session of your choice.

COST: FREE • Session length: 1 ½ hours • LOCATION: Angelina College Student Center / Cafeteria
Presented by: Angelina Arts Alliance
Friday, November 13 the community is invited to The Big Reveal reception in the Temple Theater lobby at 6:30 pm. Meet Kevin Reese and join all the session participants to view the completed mobiles on display prior to their permanent installation. The reception is open to the public and refreshments will be served!
For more information visit the Temple Theater Box Office on the Angelina College Lufkin campus, Monday through Friday 11 am – 5 pm or call (936) 633-5454, or go online at . Details and video clips from the entire season are on the Arts Alliance website. Follow Angelina Arts Alliance on Facebook for late-breaking news, photos, videos and ticket giveaways.