
Parents: Tips to Support Healthy Hydration


Parents often wonder how to maintain their kids’ health. One important step that may be overlooked is to ensure that young children are properly hydrated. It can also be a challenge for parents to create a menu kids will enjoy that meets the recommended Daily Value (DV) of vitamins and nutrients.

“By including U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-certified organic fruits and vegetables in your children’s diets, you can help ensure your child is staying hydrated from the water in them, while also consuming the necessary vitamins, minerals and protein that they need to grow healthy and strong,” says Dr. Deena Blanchard, Pediatrician at Premier Pediatrics in New York City and a consultant for Ella’s Kitchen brand, which makes organic food for babies, toddlers and kids. “Nutritional shakes provide proteins, vitamins, and minerals, the necessary building blocks of a healthy immune system, to supplement kids’ daily diets for complete nutrition; and electrolyte waters with naturally-occurring electrolytes can also help keep kids hydrated.”

Dr. Blanchard recommends the following tips to help parents make good choices for their children.

• Hydrate children, especially when sick:  When children are sick, the importance of proper hydration cannot be overestimated. If eating or drinking is difficult, try giving your child smaller amounts, more frequently. Choose water, 100 percent juice or drinks that contain naturally occurring electrolytes and other components that help support kids’ immune systems.

• Choose wisely: Watch out for artificial flavors, colors and preservatives as well as the amount of added sugars in sports drinks and other beverages. It is important to provide kids with beverages that are free of artificial ingredients and contain fruits and vegetables. You can be sure you’re avoiding those additions when you choose USDA organic beverages, such as Ella’s Kitchen Organic Coconut Water Electrolyte Drinks or their new Smoothie Drinks, which provide one full serving of fruit per 8 fluid ounces.

• Don’t forget to hydrate when playing sports: Kids can become dehydrated while playing sports or engaging in other physical activity. At the ballpark or playground, it is important to keep drinks on hand. Good choices include organic fruit and veggie purees, which contribute significant water to the diet and naturally-occurring electrolytes for natural rehydration.

• Supplement: Though vital to proper growth and development, meeting the recommended daily intake of vitamins and nutrients can be tough, especially for little ones who are picky eaters.  A tasty, protein-packed nutritional shake can help parents ensure kids get the calories and nutrition they need. Consider trying Ella’s Kitchen Coconut + Milk Nutritional Shakes, which are made  with certified USDA organic low-fat milk, fruit + veggie purees and coconut water, providing 44 percent of the recommended DV of protein, 30 percent DV of calcium, as well as vitamin B12, riboflavin, iodine and electrolytes. Made with ingredients parents recognize, these shakes provide a boost of nutrition with a taste that kids will enjoy.

In the warmer months, proper hydration is especially crucial for healthy. Parents should seek out choices for kids that support a healthy immune system.


Lee Miller
Lee Miller was born in Denison, TX and grew up in East Texas with his family. He studied music education at Stephen F. Austin State University taking a job in television on his last day of student teaching. Lee also provides business authoritative expertise to the broadcast industry as a consultant. Presently he is CEO of MSG Resources LLC, which specializes in consulting within broadcast best practices, distribution technologies and media strategy mastery. - - - - - Lee Miller is a well-known veteran of the broadcast media industry with particular experience in leading for-profit and non-profit broadcasting organizations. His career began in Lufkin, Texas in the early 80’s where he progressed from studio operations to creative services and network management. Mr. Miller has since received various professional designations and memberships such as Society of Broadcast Engineers accredited frequency coordinator, The Energy Professionals Association Certified Energy Consultant, and National Religious Broadcasters Television Committee & past Chair. Lee also serves as the Executive Director of the Advanced Television Broadcasting Alliance, is a member of the Advanced Television Systems Committee and is proud to be part of Texas Association of Broadcasters Golden Mic Club, highlighting extraordinary careers in broadcasting. Continued engagement with his community is at the core of his business practices serving on the board of the Salvation Army and as keyboardist for the contemporary worship band at Harmony Hill Baptist Church. Lee lives near Lufkin Texas on one of his family’s tree farms located in the Texas Forest Country region north of Houston. He is married to Kenla and has two grown children, Joshua, COO of MSGPR Ltd Co and Morgan, a Critical Care ICU RN.

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