
TFA Presents Scholarship at 2015 State Woodland Clinic


The Texas Forestry Association’s Forest Landowners Council presented a $1,000 scholarship to Jacy Darby, high point individual winner of the 2015 State Woodland Clinic held at the Stephen F. Austin Experimental Forest near Nacogdoches, Texas on Wednesday, April 22, 2015.

The daughter of two Agriculture teachers at Big Sandy ISD, Darby is hoping the scholarship paves the way to follow in her parents’ footsteps. “I will be graduating when my parents are planning to retire,” she said, “and I hope that I can become an Ag teacher at the same school.”

The competition is set up by the National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and is comprised of several events that include tree identification, tree measurement, thinning, wood products and compass and pacing. Students advance to the Woodland Clinic after winning in their local Woodland Clinics, which are supported by volunteers from the Soil and Water Conservation districts, who also provided additional support for the State Woodland Clinic.

Also volunteering for the clinic were members of the Texas A&M Forest Service and the U. S. Forest Service.

“This contest has been around since 1957 and is an effort to introduce students to the art and science behind forestry and the importance of properly managing our woodlands and natural resources,” Mary Webb-Marek of NRCS said. “This contest is a great opportunity for these students to interact with professionals in natural resources and perhaps even find their future calling.”

Awards were also presented to the 4H and FFA teams that came from all across Texas to participate in the clinic.

Winners of the 4H team round are Angelina County #1, 1st place; Angelina County #2, 2nd place; Cass County #1, 3rd place; Cass County #2, 4th place; San Jacinto, 5th place; Trinity County #2, 6th place; and Trinity County #1, 7th place.

Winners of the FFA Team round include Darby’s team, Harmony #1 in 1st place; Central Heights #1, 2nd place; Harmony #2, 3rd place; Central Heights #2, 4th place; and Warren #1, 5th place.

Other high-point individuals include: Ryan Gonyeau, Harmony #2, 2nd place; Payton Gray, Simms #1, 3rd place; Jacob Mitchell, Warren #1, 4th place; Tucker Reid, Central Heights #2, 5th place; Andrew Bobo, Central Heights #2, 6th place; P R Johnson, Central Heights #1, 7th place;

Lane Smith, West Sabine, 8th place; Kerry Gonyeau, Harmony #1, 9th place; and Zach Morgan, Rusk #1, 10th place.

The top three teams from FFA and 4H will proceed to the Regional Woodland Clinic on Friday, May 1, 2015 held at Wright Patman Lake near Texarkana, Texas.

Misty Boggs
Misty Boggs is the Creative Director at MSGPR. As a resident of Angelina County, she enjoys getting to spend time with her family at their tree farm or exploring new art forms at home. She earned her bachelor's degree in Public Relations with a minor in Creative Writing at Stephen F. Austin State University in 2020 and received her MBA in Marketing from Lamar University in 2024.

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