LUFKIN – TxDOT would like to express its heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of Audrii Cunningham whose body was discovered Tuesday near US 59 at the Trinity River Bridge in Polk County.
The agency understands the need and desire of the public to express their sympathy with condolences and remembrances at the scene where she was found. For the safety of all motorists and pedestrians, TxDOT urges the public to refrain from leaving vehicles on the shoulder, placing any remembrances, ribbons, signs, flowers or toys on US 59, the bridge or bridge railings of the Trinity River Bridge.
“Because safety is our priority, we ask all motorists to be alert for pedestrians through this area in coming days. We also urge pedestrians to refrain from stopping or parking near the roadway. We understand those who would like to leave remembrances of Audril, but we urge pedestrians to refrain from parking or exiting their vehicles near US 59, or leaving condolences on the bridge,” said Rhonda Oaks, public information officer.
Crews will patrol the area in coming days and monitor the condolences that are placed near the roadway or left near the scene.
For more information, contact or call (936) 633-4395.