3 Easy Ways to Celebrate Strawberries this Summer


What more delicious way to enjoy summer than with one of the season’s most popular fruits?

From family outings to strawberry-inspired gifts, here are some great ideas for celebrating summer from the discount experts at Dollar General.

Find a Local Strawberry Farm

Plan a family outing by finding a local strawberry farm and spending the afternoon picking fresh strawberries. Make it a fun-filled day by packing a picnic lunch with some of your favorite snacks. Add your newly-picked strawberries to yogurt for a sweet dessert or toss some into a salad for a farm-fresh, delicious meal.

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Celebrate an entire day cooking meals using strawberries as the key ingredient in every recipe. Prepare strawberry pancakes for breakfast, make strawberry milkshakes as a delicious (and even healthful) snack and brew a batch of strawberry lemonade. Search easy recipes online or access DG Easy Meals for simple ideas on how to plan your strawberry-themed meals.

Strawberry Gifts

Not only do strawberries taste great, but they smell great too. You can show someone you care by creating a gift basket of strawberry-themed goodies. Search for strawberry-scented shampoo and conditioner, air fresheners and strawberry flavored candy and snacks at your local retail store. Decorate the basket with pink and red tissue paper and ribbon as a simple, final touch.

Strawberries taste extra delicious in the warmer months. Celebrate the season by incorporating the yummy, nutritious fruit into every meal.

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