The Angelina College Chorale, along with assistance from community talent will on Thursday, Dec5. help bring in the holiday season with a USO-style concert honoring veterans.
The performance begins at 7:30 p.m. at Temple Theater on the Angelina College campus.
The performance, hearkening to the days of the USO performances for troops stationed overseas, will also include a tribute to veterans.
Director Beckie Compton’s ensemble includes current and former Angelina College students, along with several members of the community. Guest performers include the East Texas Praise Symphony, gospel group Maranatha and others.
Scheduled numbers include the following:
“Joy to the World Overture” (East Texas Praise Symphony, arr. by M. Lawrence); “Christmas Kum Ba Ya” (AC Chorale, arr. by J. Althouse); “Do You Hear What I Hear?” (AC Chorale and East Texas Praise Symphony, arr. by R. Sterling); “Sleigh Ride” (Karen McBee, primo and Anna Harbuck, secondo, arr. by M. Edwards); “Holiday Romance” (Billy and Dana Forrest, Micah and Sarah Shaffer, Irv and Jan Blackmon, Michael and Kelly Chissus, Bryan and Beckie Compton, arr. by J. Althouse); “Deck the Halls” (East Texas Praise Symphony, trumpet trio Scott Williams, Steven Brown and Stacy Perkins, arr. by J. Anderson); “Christmas Medley” (Belinda Ross, accordion, arr. by B. Ross); “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” (Haley Holcombe and Joshua Robinson, arr. by F. Loesser); “A Merry Carol of the Bells” (AC Chorale, arr. by J. Rouse); “Here’s to the Military” (East Texas Praise Symphony, arr. by R. Mauldin and A. Watts); “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” (S. Shaffer, K. Chissus, Keren Debose, Bethany Perez); “Salute to Our Fallen Heroes” (AC Chorale and East Texas Praise Symphony; speakers Christina Johnson, Jad O’Connor, Jazai Lee, Omar Al-Mahmeed, Tiara Powell , arr. by J. Rouse and C. Kirkland); “God Bless America” (AC Chorale and East Texas Praise Symphony, arr. by K. Christopher); “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” (Maranatha); “O Holy Night” (AC Chorale and East Texas Praise Symphony, soprano Carli Bynum, arr. by A. Adam); “Sleep in Heavenly Peace” (AC Chorale, arr. by R. E. Schram); “Go Tell it on the Mountain” (AC Chorale and East Texas Praise Symphony, arr. by D. Goeller); “Jesus, What a Wonderful Child” (AC Chorale and East Texas Praise Symphony, soprano Keren Debose, arr. by M. Hayes); and “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” (AC Chorale and East Texas Praise Symphony, alto Reshonda Keys, arr. by M. Hayes).
The program will also include a presentation to veterans by AC instructor Sabrina Collins.
The AC Chorale members include sopranos Sarah Barton, Carli Bynum, Mattie Fortenberry, Christina Johnson, Jazai Lee, Shelby Perkinson, Kelly Chissus, Jan Blackmon, Keren Debose, Tammy Oliver and Evelyn Walker; altos Sarah Shaffer, LaQuisha Davis, Haley Holcomb, Justice Irvine, Tiara Powell, Reshonda Keys, Sandy Roberts, Alexia Morones-Sekino, Bethany Perez and Dana Forrest; tenors Micah Shaffer, Joe Jones, Billy Forrest, Omar Al-Mahmeed, Matthew Oliver, Colin Wise, Michael Mendoza and Stacy Perkins; bassists Bryan Compton, Herb Blackmon, Jad O’Connor, Joshua Robinson and Ryan Harjo; and accompanists Anna Harbuck and Beckie Compton.
Tickets are $4 for adults and $3 for seniors, students and children.