The apps are back and this week we have some pretty sweet apps that will make your life easy and fun. What I like to keep in my lifehack folder.
Scan your key and next time you lock your only key in the house or car just take your phone to the locksmith!
A beautiful way to manage your grocery list for the visual people out there.
Top of the Morning
Truthfully I just love the name. But wake up with all the info you need to know without hunting around different sources. One stop shop!
About The Author
A true geek but with style. When faced with a problem, Charles ask himself “What would Batman do?” Charles is a nut when it comes to the latest tech and apps on the market. Apple or PC it doesn’t matter, whatever is the best. iOS or Android, he actually owns both kind of devices. Charles has been know to spend more time on social media than asleep. Oh and let’s not forget he’s a hardcore gamer as well.