
Charles Roberds


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Lufkin Panther Drive In Mentioned in Houston News Story

Check out this story in the Houston Press. "7 Texas Drive-In Theaters That You Can Still Visit" Do you remember the old Lufkin Panther Drive...

Super stocking of 240 Eastern wild turkeys launched in 2014

Over 40 people were on hand today at Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s (TPWD) Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area (GEWMA) to see 26 Easter...

Pineywoods National Wild Turkey Federation Chapter sweeps awards for 2013 efforts !

The 2013 Texas NWTF Awards ceremony was held January 18 at the Hanger Hotel in Fredericksburg. NWTF chapter leaders and volunteers from the Lone...

Rudolph the Red Nosed Pump Jack?

  Every year for almost 50 years, Rudolph the Red Nosed Pumping Unit has graced the City of Lufkin. Lufkin Industries, now owned by GE,...

Can Changing Your Home Change Your Life?

The title may sound a little cliche, maybe even a little drastic, but guess what….even small changes in your surroundings can make a huge...


Spring Camping Guide: Hidden Treasures in Our National Forests

While it's still pretty chilly right now, spring is...

A Presidential Legacy in Our Backyard: Celebrating Presidents’ Day Among the Pines

From the shade of towering pines to the echoes...

District Begins Treating Roads Ahead of Freezing Weather

LUFKIN – Crews are scheduled to begin Monday, Feb. 17, to pre-treat major roadways...

Options for Raised Bed Gardens

The recent, heavy rainfall has brought about a number...