

5 Signs It’s Time to Switch Your Electricity Provider

If you live in Texas, you know that in the deregulated ERCOT market, you have the power to choose your electricity provider. That’s good...

Top 10 Energy Myths Debunked

In a world filled with energy-saving tips and tricks, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. Misconceptions about energy consumption can lead...

Still Got A Pumpkin?

With Halloween and its copious candy long gone, I bet many of you still have a pumpkin or two lying about.   I’m not referring to...

Roaches Getting into Your Home

Talking with a dear friend at church earlier this week, the subject of roaches (cockroaches) trying to get into our homes as the winter...

Don’t Move Firewood, Prevent The Spread of Invasive Pests and Diseases

COLLEGE STATION, Texas – As fall-like weather occurs across the state, Texas A&M Forest Service urges all Texans to help reduce the spread of oak...

