


LUFKIN – Construction is scheduled to begin next week in San Jacinto County that will include upgrading bridge and approach railing and road and guardrail improvements along US 59.

Barricades will be set next week that will mark the beginning of the $3 million project that will consist of resurfacing the roadway and upgrading bridge and guardrails along US 59. Roadwork will be done from just south of FM 2914 to the Liberty County line. Guardrail improvements are planned from the Polk County line to the Liberty County line. The upgrades will include the removal and replacement of bridge railings which will improve them to design standards.

Moore Brothers, Lufkin, TX, contractor for the project, will work to complete the work in about three months, weather permitting. Signs will be placed warning motorists of an approaching work zone and rumble strips will be in place. Motorists should expect intermittent lane closures throughout the project as work progresses.

Drivers are urged to be alert to workers and equipment in the work areas, reduce speed and expect delays. Remember, traffic fines double when workers are present.

For more information,<> or (936) 633-4395.

Rhonda Oaks
Rhonda Oaks is the Public Information Officer for the nine-county Lufkin District of the Texas Department of Transportation. A Lufkin native, she is a graduate of Hudson High School and Angelina College. She has a background in print journalism and worked for many years as a newspaper reporter and a freelance writer. She has received eight Associated Press awards. Her articles have been published in many publications over the past 25 years.

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