Motorists noticed a major delay today while traveling Lufkin’s Loop 287 from FM 58 to SH 103 east. The delay will continue as part of the annual seal coating being applied and traffic will be reduced to one lane for the remainder of this week.
Motorists are asked to reduce speed and be alert to workers directing traffic and machinery that is in use as they travel through the construction area.
“A seal coat is an application of a layer of asphalt binder covered with a layer of aggregate applied to an existing surface,” said Rhonda Oaks, public information officer with the Lufkin District. “This yearly application cost is $180 million statewide and helps maintain the 186,600 lane miles of roadway. We urge motorists to remain alert through the nine-county Lufkin District since there are several seal coating projects going on and scheduled to begin throughout the summer.”
Road conditions and traffic updates available on or For more information, contact or (936) 633-4395.