Tickets to the Mystic Masquerade Ball include dinner, dancing, and the opportunity for us to share the progress we’ve made through RHN, our non-profit organization.
The Mystic Masquerade Ball is a FORMAL, BLACK-TIE event requiring black tuxedos for men and long, formal gowns or ball gowns for women.
As RHN works to garner support for our mission, address the issue of homelessness in rural areas, and bring awareness to local communities, the Mystic Masquerade is our most important event of the year. We have limited seating, and Masquerade Masks (not COVID masks) are required as we set the evening’s tone by the following assertion:
“Behind every mask there is a face, and behind that, a story …”
The homeless – especially those in rural areas – are largely masked from our view and our thoughts. Many were once filled with hope and promise, only to be knocked down by tragedy, discouragement, or other negatives in life. Some were successful professionals, some never had much of a chance; but all deserve the love of Christ. RHN will offer them hope and dignity, beginning with Veterans Village, a community of Tiny Homes for homeless Veterans, and expanding with many other programs and projects to address homelessness and near-homelessness.
More information about the Mystic Masquerade Ball is included, and we ask you to share the information with as many people as possible. Tickets are $100 each or you can reserve a private table of eight for your friends and family for $800. They can be purchased through our website,, as well as by calling the number at the bottom of the flyer. Your ticket ensures an unforgettable night of truly meaningful fun that will make a real difference in the lives of those most in need.