LUFKIN – The TxDOT Lufkin District is conducting a public hearing with in-person or virtual options to propose replacing the existing bridge on SH 7 (Main Street) at Lanana Creek in Nacogdoches.
The hearing is scheduled Thursday, August 1. The virtual option will be available online by 5 p.m. and the in-person option is set from 5 – 7 p.m. at the Nacogdoches Exposition and Civic Center, 2805 NW Stallings Drive in Nacogdoches.
The proposed project will include replacing the existing bridge structure with a four-lane bridge, two 12-foot lanes in each direction, 4-foot shoulders, and 6-foot sidewalks alongside of the roadway. The projectwill require additional right of way, and potentially displace six non-residential structures.
The public in invited to visit with project managers and engineers who will answer questions at the in-person option and explain project maps and materials. A video presentation will also be available for viewing during the meeting and attendees will be able to leave public comments at the in-person meeting, or comments can be mailed to TxDOT Lufkin District, 1805 North Timberland, Lufkin TX 75901. All comments must be received by Aug. 16 to be included in the report summary.
If interpretation or translation services are needed, or special accommodations are required to attend the in-person meeting, assistance will be provided upon request by calling the number below. For more information on the project, or to view the presentation online on Aug. 1, visit .
For more information, contact or call (936) 633-4395.