On Monday, contractors set barricades on a $7.6 million construction project that started in Polk County.
Smith & Co., Conroe, Texas, began this week on FM 356 that is designed to reconstruct and widen the pavement with a continuous two-way left turn lane and 10-foot shoulders. The construction occurs from the intersection of US 190 to 1.1 miles north of US 190 on FM 356.
The redesigned roadway will enhance safety and provide for better traffic flow. Motorists are urged to reduce speed through the construction area as work begins. Be prepared for delays and be alert to moving equipment and nearby workers, and obey all traffic control devices. Remember, traffic fines double when workers are present. All work schedules are subject to change in inclement weather.
For more information about TxDOT construction projects, including in the Lufkin District, visit txdot.gov or drivetexas.org for a complete list of closures or delays.
For more information, contact Rhonda.Oaks@txdot.gov or (936) 633-4395.