
TxDoT Provides Update on Area Road Construction Projects


Many people do not realize what happens once a construction project has been approved by the Texas Transportation Committee in Austin. Many things must happen prior to construction beginning. One of those events is a pre-construction meeting between TxDOT officials and the contracting company that was awarded the bid.

A pre-construction meeting was held in Nacogdoches County last week that will mark the beginning of a project that will replace a total of four bridges located on CR 4323 and CR 1006 in Shelby County.

Longview Bridge and Road will serve as contractors with work beginning ideally at Flat Fork Creek and working toward Mill Creek. The meeting also included discussions of all safety and environmental issues that might arise during the project, daily monitoring and any protected wetlands in the area of construction. The project is slated to begin in coming weeks.

Other projects currently ongoing in the nine-county Lufkin District and maintenance work scheduled for the week of July 13-17 include:


  • Loop 287 eastbound: Contractors are completing concrete paving on the eastbound main lanes and are removing pavement on the cloverleaf ramp. Fill dirt will be placed back in the ramp area this week in preparation of constructing the new ramp from the eastbound loop to Business 59 southbound. The retaining wall on the eastbound loop will also be under construction.
  • FM 2021/US 59: Westbound lanes on FM 2021 are being completed with final pavement finishing scheduled to be completed this week. Crews will work on driveways along FM 2021 and US 59 northbound. Other work for the week includes extending box culverts and removing old concrete pavement.
  • US 59/A&NR Railroad Underpass: Work continues to replace the railroad bridge outside the lanes of traffic. Crews will work to drill shafts for the retaining walls and begin work on storm sewers.
    Various locations: Mowing, herbicide and pothole operations scheduled along with ditch maintenance.


  • US 59 along Loop 224: Micro-surfacing pavement. Travelers can expect alternate lane closures through the area.
  • SH 21 from .4 miles west of FM 226 to FM 3276: Contractors will be sealcoating followed by the hot mix asphalt surface.
  • US 59 .2 miles south of FM 95 West to US 259: Sealcoating to continue for the next few weeks.
  • US 59/LP 224: This project will continue as construction crews work on the retaining wall on the US 59 South exit ramp and the pavement structure for the westbound entrance ramp. Utility crews will continue to relocate utilities throughout the project.
  • LP 224 from SH 7 to US 59 South: Guard rails and culvert work at various locations.
  • FM 3314: Contractors are completing the final surface, clean-up and placing signs that will be followed by final striping.


  • US 287/FM 946: Pouring headwalls and wing walls on cross structures and safety treating fixed objects.
  • US 59 from Moscow to Leggett: Roadway resurfacing will continue.
  • US 190, FM 3126, FM 943 and FM 1276: Sealcoating roadways.
    Various locations: Herbicide, mowing and pothole maintenance.


  • US 59 at FM 2914 overpass: Crews will haul and place embankment material and place forms in preparation for setting bridge deck panels. Bridge abutment back walls will also be formed and poured as well as a leveling pad for future retaining walls.
  • US 59, SH 150, FM 223, FM 945 and FM 3460: Seal coating roadway.


  • SH 7 west of Kennard: Structure and shoulder work will continue. A pilot car will be used to lead traffic through a single lane.
  • FM 227 west of Grapeland: Minor shoulder and guardrail repairs.
  • Various locations: Seal coating operations, mowing and herbicide treatments.


  • FM 1: Safety treating fixed objects.
  • FM 1 at the railroad underpass: Work to install a flashing beacon.
  • FM 1751: Finishing treatments will be applied to driveway pipes and cross drainage structures.
  • FM 1592, FM 3184 and FM 2261: Safety treating fixed objects.


  • US 84 at the Sabine River: The replacement of the bridge that connects Texas to Louisiana across the Sabine River continues as contractors work to hang final deck panels on the new eastbound bridge. Contractors will continue work on the storm sewer and other drainage structures in Logansport, LA, as well as the lime treated subgrade and base for the eastbound main lanes in Texas and Louisiana.
  • Loop 500 from US 96 North to SH 7 East: Final striping is being scheduled, weather permitting. Top soil will be hauled and seeded.
    FM 139 from SH 7 to SH 87: Safety treating cross drainage driveway structures and upgrading guardrail.


  • SH 21 at US 96: Intersection improvements will continue with contractors working to complete drainage structures and install concrete curb and gutter.
  • Various locations: Treating potholes, mowing and herbicide treatments.
  • Various locations: Safety treating fixed objects.


  • SH 19 at Houston County line to SH 94 in Trinity: Roadwork resurfacing will continue.
  • SH 94 at various locations: Safety treating fixed objects.
    FM 2915: Pavement rehabilitation on road base.

For more information, contact Rhonda.Oaks@txdot.gov or (936) 633-4395.

Misty Boggs
Misty Boggs is the Creative Director at MSGPR. As a resident of Angelina County, she enjoys getting to spend time with her family at their tree farm or exploring new art forms at home. She earned her bachelor's degree in Public Relations with a minor in Creative Writing at Stephen F. Austin State University in 2020 and received her MBA in Marketing from Lamar University in 2024.

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