
Understanding Your Soil


Of all the college classes in which I could have made a better grade, I wish I had done better in Agronomy 301, the fundamental soils course.

When you think about it, our very existence on this planet relies upon that thin layer of topsoil that grows vegetation for livestock and wildlife, in addition to fruits, nuts and vegetables for our table. Without production of leafy plant material, its fruit, and its seeds, we couldn’t sustain ourselves.

The soil in your lawn, garden, pasture or field is incredibly complex, requiring an entire academic field of study. Yet, it can be explained in some very fundamental ways for us to be successful. 

At the simplest level, soil consists of mineral particles, water, air, and organic matter. The three mineral particles are sand, silt and clay. This threesome is the answer most knowledgeable folks give when asked what “makes up” soil. Indeed, the amounts of sand, silt and clay in your soil do greatly affect the soil structure. When blended well, we call it “loam”. 

The inclusion of air and water often throws folks off. Water makes sense – everyone knows that water makes things grow. Air surprises many people until you think about compacted ground (such as a pathway) or those times where one over-watered a plant, thus removing all air and killed it by drowning it. Yes, roots have to breath air. 

Organic matter gains a world of attention. To be clear, this has nothing to do with the designation “organically grown”.  Organic matter is comprised of decomposing plant and animal material at different stages of decomposition, as well as living things such as microbes, fungus, earthworms, and much more.  Stated in a very simple way, there are three kinds of organic matter: the living, the dead, and the decomposing which return nutrients to the plants.

And to be clear, the addition of organic matter solves a world of issues. 

Is your ground too sandy and won’t hold moisture? Add organic matter.

Is your ground to clayey and is easily compacted? Add organic matter. 

Is your ground so poor that nothing seems to grow? Add worlds of organic matter! 

Most soil has somewhere between 1% to 6% organic matter. That may not sound like much, but that range truly is substantial in the impact it can have on growing plants. Home vegetable gardeners typically have very high levels if they turn in a few inches of compost annually. And their results from adding that much compost each year is impressive. 

One may ask why this is so emphasized and seemingly in short supply. The reason is that your soil’s organic matter is in a constant state of reduction by the active, living soil microbes that break down the dead material and release the nutrients. In the warm, moist climate that we have in east Texas, this microbial action may be taking place year-round.  Certainly, when you look at the rest of Texas, no region west of us makes more organic matter than we do, but the high moisture we enjoy, coupled with our warm climate, allows microbes to continually be at work breaking down organic matter. 

Our goal then, must be to mindfully add organic matter to our soils. Perhaps no better application on pastures and hay meadows around here besides chicken litter has been used in decades. In urban settings the addition of bark, pine straw, or other natural mulches in flower beds is incredibly helpful. Home vegetable gardeners can till in compost and commercial vegetable producers can plant winter cover crops. 

It cannot be understated, that the soil we depend upon can be greatly improved, no matter what you are growing, with the addition of organic matter. 

If you wish to learn more about basic garden soil preparation, be sure to attend January’s Noon Gardening Program “Preparing Your Garden for 2025!” from 12 noon to 1 pm at the Extension office on Tuesday, January 21. There is no fee. Two Master Gardeners will be talking about how to use a raised bed, prepare the soil, and amend your soil for a tremendous growing season. Feel free to bring your lunch. The program will be at our office at 2201 S. Medford Drive in Lufkin.

Cary Sims
Cary Sims is the County Extension Agent for agriculture and natural resources for Angelina County. His email address is Educational programs of the Texas AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, or national origin.

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