
Work Scheduled in Lufkin Next Week


LUFKIN – Work scheduled next week in Lufkin will have motorists looking for alternate routes.

Crews will begin mill and inlay operations on the northbound access road between FM 841/Ford Chapel Road to FM 325/East Lufkin Avenue directly in front of Lufkin High School and a nearby truck stop. Also scheduled for mill and inlay is BU 69/Denman Avenue between Timberland Drive and SL 287.

Motorists should be aware and alert of moving equipment and workers. Expect lane closures and delays or choose alternate routes during work hours.

Reduce speed near a work zone and stay alert for crews working near travel lanes. Obey all traffic control and do not cross through this moving work zone. Remember traffic fines double when workers are present.

For more information, contact Rhonda.Oaks@txdot.gov or call (936) 633-4395.

Rhonda Oaks
Rhonda Oaks is the Public Information Officer for the nine-county Lufkin District of the Texas Department of Transportation. A Lufkin native, she is a graduate of Hudson High School and Angelina College. She has a background in print journalism and worked for many years as a newspaper reporter and a freelance writer. She has received eight Associated Press awards. Her articles have been published in many publications over the past 25 years.

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