After a long and welcomed reprieve from Austin, I recently made a trip back to welcome a sizeable delegation of folks from the Lufkin area who were in town for their annual Lufkin/Angelina County Day at the Texas Capitol. While I’ve thoroughly enjoyed being back home and spending time traveling the district, the trip to Austin is sure easier when you’re accompanied by a group of great folks from back home.
That said, I want to remind everyone that our office is always ready and willing to welcome you or your family to our State Capitol. With spring break just around the corner and summer right behind it, I want to encourage you to consider making a trip down to Austin for your next family outing. My staff can help coordinate a tour of the Capitol complex, the Texas State Cemetery, and help make arrangements for you to visit other attractions like the Bob Bullock State History Museum or the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library. While you’re here, be sure to drop by the office to say hello – our door is always open!
With that, here’s an update from your State Capitol…
Capitol Update
Earlier this month, the General Land Office (GLO) announced that more than $122 million in regional mitigation funds were awarded to several Texas counties to improve streets, drainage, and sewer systems. Among the counties being awarded these funds is San Augustine County, which received funding to repair local street and drainage infrastructure. After the recent flooding in our area, I know these funds will be put to good use. I appreciate the GLO for recognizing the critical needs we have in the Deep East Texas region.
Additionally, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced last week that his office received hundreds of applications for financial assistance from rural law enforcement offices requesting nearly $125 million for salary assistance using funds made available through the enactment of Senate Bill 22 during the 88th Legislative Session.
I am immensely pleased to report that every county in House District 9 will receive funding from this new rural law enforcement fund. In total, $3.7 million will be distributed amongst our six-county Sheriff offices, as well as some County and District Attorney offices. As I traveled across the district and met with county officials before this past session, it was made abundantly clear to me that more needed to be done to help our rural law enforcement offices recruit and retain qualified officers and purchase much-needed equipment. As a co-author of Senate Bill 22, which established this funding, I am excited to see this announcement of financial support for our local law enforcement agencies. Our public safety officials are vital to protecting our citizens, and I’m proud to see funding being provided to ensure rural counties have the law enforcement funds necessary to recruit and retain those who help keep our communities safe.
The mobile office is still on the road this month, and our District Director looks forward to seeing you on February 21 at the Houston County Courthouse Annex in Crockett from 9-11 a.m. and at the Trinity County Courthouse in Groveton from 1:30-3:30 p.m.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact my office if we can help you in any way. My district office may be reached at (936) 634-2762 and my Capitol office may be reached at (512) 463-0508. Additionally, I welcome you to follow along on my Official Facebook Page, where I will be posting regular updates on what’s happening in your State Capitol and sharing information that could be useful to you and your family: