

This weekend on FreeCast

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The Five Key Skills Every Leader Needs to Master

Leadership is a challenging task. Guiding teams and entire organizations to success requires a broad set of abilities that take time and dedication to...

Mulching with Pine Straw

I have bragged about the abundance of oaks and, consequently oak leaves, that I’ll be able to use between the rows in my vegetable...

New Funding Approved for Pedestrian Safety Statewide

Maintenance contracts also approved LUFKIN â€“ The Texas Transportation Commission on Thursday approved $345 million for new construction projects statewide, including more than $4.8 million in...

Governor Abbott Announces Lufkin Designated Music Friendly Texas Certified Community

Governor Greg Abbott today announced that the City of Lufkin, having completed the multi-step certification process, has been designated a Music Friendly Texas Certified...

