Home Ideas

Lots of hay left over this year

Area cattlemen and hay producers know that this past year was a great year for making hay. By most accounts told to me, folks...

Where are the deer and song birds?

For a while now, our office had been receiving numerous calls about the absence of songbirds in resident’s landscapes.   Residents were convinced that something...

Overwintering Insects in the Home

Some homeowners may be seeing numerous lady bugs invading their homes this fall and winter. Lady beetles are insects that are considered beneficial and...

Yam or Sweet Potato

At my recent Thanksgiving meal at my folks place in Burleson, Texas, we got into a discussion on the difference between yams and sweet...

That Perfect Christmas Tree

For more than 150 years, many Americans have enjoyed the tradition of a fresh, fragrant evergreen tree as part of their Christmas celebrations. Today...

